Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!! :)
Well this week was pretty hectic. It started off pretty rocky when I had my second glucose tolerance test and was told that I failed the fasting blood sugar. So now I have to test my sugars 4 times a day for a week so they gauge whether or not I need medication. Very nice thing right in the middle of the holidays when the BEST food is around. We'll see how that goes after the week is up. We had a very good Christmas. My mom, brothers, and sister came down to visit and we all just hung out, ate food, and played with all of our new stuff. It was a good time! We woke up Christmas morning and opened are some pictures.
Christmas Tree
Here is our tree with all of our presents on Christmas morning.
Here is a picture of each person opening presents...
Later on Christmas Day after all our presents were opened and we had showers we decided to go to the beach. It was a nice day, warm enough for shorts and t-shirts. Here are some pictures.
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