Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 24

Well we have surpassed the 6 month point in the pregnancy. It seems like my belly gets bigger and harder everyday. Lately we've been excited because we're really feeling the baby move around more. I've felt it for a few weeks now, but at first it was just little fluttery feelings. Now it's full on kicks that make me stop what I'm doing and pay attention b/c they're so strong. Ed has felt it a few times too, which makes it more exciting to share. Here is the latest picture of my ginormous belly. If you look really closely you can see the huge vein on the side of it. Ughh.

Nothing too exciting to report this week. We've both been cleaning the house and clearing out the study for the baby's stuff that I've been buying. Last weekend I got a great deal on a crib that I absolutely love. We haven't put it together yet, but here is a picture of what it will look like. I'm not going to put the wheels on it. Other than all of that we have both been working pretty much everyday and going to bed early.
Last night we went to bed before 9:00 pm. We've been exhausted b/c neither one of us has really been getting sleep. I don't know if it's nature's way of preparing us for the baby when it comes, but we've both been waking up all through the night. I can never seem to get comfortable and it keeps Ed up. Also, what we call "Pregnancy Brain" has gotten worse and worse. I can't remember anything and I lose my train of thought. I think most people who come into contact with me think I am completely insane. It's the worse symptom so far of pregnancy and drives Ed crazy. Thank goodness he is patient enough to put up with me. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving, even though we will just be sitting here with our neighbors and other friends who are stuck in the area. Yay for the military to ruin every holiday. I really can't complain though, because at least we will get to spend it with each other. We're going to share the cooking with our next door neighbors and try to make the best of the situation. I'm sure it will be nice. We'll try and take pictures to post.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week 23

Well we are almost to the 6 month point. Aughh!! Crazy! :) Lately we have been noticing that this baby has a personality. I've been able to feel small flutters for a few weeks now, but just this week Ed got to feel a kick for the first time. Lately I've been feeling it move more and more. Mostly though, the baby seems to sleep most of the day and awaken right as we lay down to go to sleep. Great...hopefully this isn't going to be true after it's born!

Today we went for our ultrasound. Last time we got to see the baby I was only 13 weeks along so we were pretty excited to see how it's changed and grown. The pictures were INCREDIBLE. The tech went through the entire anatomy of the baby and explained every little bone and parts of the body like the brain, kidneys, stomach, etc. It took about 45 minutes and we were glued to the screen the whole time in awe of how amazing it was. We made sure to tell her before she started that we didn't want to know if it was a boy or a girl so we had to close our eyes for that part. As hard as it was we both didn't peek so it remains a surprise that we will find out in March of 2009 like everyone else. At the very end of the ultrasound she clicked on a button and all of a sudden it was in 4-d!! We were so surprised b/c we had no idea that she could even do 4-d! We got to see our little baby's face. It is so AMAZING. Here is the picture she took.

Isn't technology absolutely incredible??? Our baby is so cute! You can even see its little ear and everything. Both of its hands are up to its face. Today was the best day ever!! The tech told us that the office offers a full session in 4-d for only $75.00 for their patients (it's normally $200+) because they want them to have the opportunity to get it done at a reasonable price. She said the best time is around 28 weeks or so. We are definitely considering doing it. They can put it on a cd/dvd so if we get it we'll post more pictures like this one.

We also went ahead and took another picture of the ever-expanding belly...getting bigger and bigger everyday! Here it is...

I can't believe I live in Florida and I'm this pale...oh well. I'll get out to the beach after the baby is born. There's no way I'm wearing a bathing suit now. Haha! :) Well we will keep everyone posted. That's all I've got for now.

Week 22

Well we are finally settled into our new house and getting really great at navigating the area. This week we had a doctor's appointment at our new OB/GYN here in Florida and we were very pleased. The practice is very nice and there are 4 doctor's available to rotate. They deliver at a hospital right around the corner and we have heard that the delivery suites are very nice, the whole unit is newly built. Here are some pictures from the hospital's website. There is a slideshow you can click on and see everything.

We haven't been there yet, but we are planning to take a tour soon. Next month we are going to start our "Prepared Childbirth Classes" at the hospital. We are pretty excited about it! We are just now starting to collect things that we'll need when the baby gets here. I am so excited about getting the nursery together. It's so much fun to look at baby stuff. I pretty much spend all of my free time looking online for the best deals. Ed likes looking at baby stuff too, but he's not obsessed with it like I am.