Saturday, February 28, 2009

Week 39

Well we are down to the final stretch!! 7 more days and the baby is due to come out!! :) Yay! I went for my doctor's appointment yesterday (Friday) and she says that the baby's head is right there. My cervix has thinned considerably, but not all the way. I am still not dilated at all. It still could be any day now. I have my next appointment on Friday, March 6th (due date!) and if the baby has not come by then I already have an induction scheduled for early Wednesday morning. Some good news...the baby is not big, blood pressure was good, blood sugars have been good. Everything is right on track so now it's a waiting game.

Here is a 39 week picture that Ed took today. Who needs a tan? This girl!

This weekend we don't have a whole lot planned. Basically we are going to clean the house, get the guest room ready, clean out the garage, and make sure everything is washed and ready for baby. I need to pack my bags too. I have a list that I made, but I think this weekend I will go ahead and have it all ready so that when the time comes we don't have to worry about it.

Here is a picture of baby's room still in progress...

My latest addition is the book shelves on either side of the crib. I needed more space for storage and they matched perfectly. We have started a book collection for baby. We got a bunch of books that we both loved to read as kids and we both agree that it is never too early to read to a child. I can't wait! Ed already read all of the books to Hope so he could practice reading out loud (how cute!). I think this weekend I might set up the pack & play downstairs so we have somewhere for the baby to sleep close by. I don't have a monitor yet and I don't think I'll be comfortable with the baby upstairs without being able to hear it cry.

Well I guess it's just a waiting game from here on out. We will keep you posted if anything happens!! :)


Emily said...

Yay! So excited that you're getting so close! The nursery looks great- Brett and I have been collecting our fave kids books, too.

BTW- have you tried Red Raspberry Leaf tea?? It's actually endorsed by many ob's (not just midwives/crunchy people I talk to) as it tones the uterus and can help with labor. It might not be too late to give it a try :-) Here's a link about it...of course you should also ask you ob..but it might be helpful, especially if you want to avoid induction. I find the tea at Kroger (Traditional Medicinals) but I know many people who make it, too.

Jennifer and Suketu said...

I'm so happy for you!!!

Unknown said...

It looks really wonderful Elizabeth...It won't be long and that room will be filled with either blue or pink stuff. I'm sooo ready to be "auntie holly!" I can't wait to meet the little peanut! :) luv you guys.