Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 33

Hello all. This week was pretty good and productive. Thursday we had a doctors appointment to check up on my sugars again. They are still within the normal limit so I don't have to go on medication...yay! :) I still have to check them 4 times a day and watch what I eat. Also my blood pressure was fine and my belly is measuring right on target. We have a follow-up appointment on Tuesday morning and the doctor ordered an ultrasound to see how big the baby has gotten since the last time they measured at 24 weeks. I am curious to see how much the baby weighs now. At 24 weeks they had estimated 1.5 pounds based on the ultrasound. According to all of the books a baby at 33 weeks should way a little over 4-4.5 pounds. I guess we will find out soon enough.

The weather has been "cold" here. Well cold meaning 60's and 70's instead of 80's. At least we can wear our jeans now and sometimes even long sleeves. I am still waiting for the changing table to get here. Stupid online shopping...very convenient except you have to wait. Today I bought a million baby hangers and my goal for this coming week is to wash all of the baby clothes that I have and get them put away. Last week I washed all of the bassinette pieces and those types of things. Our washing machine can sterilize so I used that setting. It takes forever but it makes things REALLY clean.

This past Saturday we had our big "Childbirth Class". We were very optimistic and open-minded hoping that we would learn something useful. Unfortunately, Ed and I have read all of the books there are to read on pregnancy and labor which kind of ruined the class. We could have gone up there and taught it ourselves. We had to go at least once in our lives I guess. We did a bunch of ridiculous breathing and visualization techniques. I was hoping we would at least see some good birthing movies where they showed everything (TLC always blurs it out which doesn't make sense since it is a natural/medical event and not pornographic). We were hoping to at least maybe make some new friends and compare pregnancy stuff, but most of the couples were older (I'm talking old enough to be my parents) which was surpising b/c it was everyone's first baby. We were pretty disappointed. Oh well.


Emily said...

You NEED to see The Business of Being Born. I can even send it to you if you want- it's on Netflix too. Crucial! So much good info, and no censoring. It's beautiful.

Oh, and you need to check out my blog...