Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week 22

Well we are finally settled into our new house and getting really great at navigating the area. This week we had a doctor's appointment at our new OB/GYN here in Florida and we were very pleased. The practice is very nice and there are 4 doctor's available to rotate. They deliver at a hospital right around the corner and we have heard that the delivery suites are very nice, the whole unit is newly built. Here are some pictures from the hospital's website. There is a slideshow you can click on and see everything.

We haven't been there yet, but we are planning to take a tour soon. Next month we are going to start our "Prepared Childbirth Classes" at the hospital. We are pretty excited about it! We are just now starting to collect things that we'll need when the baby gets here. I am so excited about getting the nursery together. It's so much fun to look at baby stuff. I pretty much spend all of my free time looking online for the best deals. Ed likes looking at baby stuff too, but he's not obsessed with it like I am.