Okay so I have officially passed the halfway point (yay!). I am 22.5 weeks and have gained 12 pounds. With this pregnancy I am on a mission to not gain 70 pounds like I did with the last one. So far, so good. I work full time in the ER, run around after a 2 year old on my days off, and power walk whenever I can squeeze it in! I also am not participating in my delicious Ben & Jerry's taste-testing marathon like I did last time (as tempting as that sounds). Ed is on a super diet kick trying to train for fire school so for the most part we eat healthy around here.
Nausea is gone. My energy is actually through the roof. I seem to be able to more than keep up with my normal pace. I pretty much am gaining weight in my belly so I have a little basketball looking thing there. You're thinking..."great, what do you have to complain about now?"
Well...I kind of forgot about this part of pregnancy. I hate it.
For those of you who know me well, know that I am not an overly emotional/dramatic kind of person. Don't get me wrong, I cry when something is sad, I feel empathy for people, etc. I'm just not used to feeling overcome with emotion. It's really hard to explain, maybe some of my preggo moms can chime in if you get what I am saying. It's like you do/think/say things and there's this teeny voice of reason way in the back of your head going, "No!! Don't do it!!!" but you can't control yourself.
You know that movie Knocked Up with Katherine Heigl? There is the part where they get into a huge fight at the doctors office and the guy is screaming at her, and I quote...
"I know this isn't you talking, it's your hormones, but I would just like to say...F*** YOU HORMONES, YOU ARE A CRAZY B****, HORMONES, not Allison, HORMONES, F*** 'em!!!!"
That in a nutshell is how I feel. I feel like I am on the verge of psychosis. I get so moody and irritable for NO REASON. My husband should seriously win an award for putting up with me. So in this next phase of pregnancy I actually feel good physically. Energy, not sick, etc. Emotionally....a whole different story. Why is there always some bullshit side effect of being pregnant? Isn't it enough that you have to lug around extra weight, and walk with a basketball in your shirt all day? Seriously.
In other news here are some more updated ultrasound photos for everyones enjoyment pleasure. Of course we still do not know what the baby is going to be. Jack says "Baby Girl" 100% of the time when we ask him. It's hilarious. I'm going to be surprised if it's a girl because everyone else in the world seems to think it is another boy. He points to my belly and says, "that's mine baby!" He's already taken ownership of his little brother/sister. Cute! We do have a boy name and a girl name all figured out...but we are keeping that a secret like we did last time too. Sorry people. :)
So one other topic I wanted to discuss. It seems like everyone who is pregnant with their second kid has this huge fear that they won't have enough love for both kids...or that the first kid will feel completely neglected and/or replaced. I don't have that fear. Is it normal to not have that fear? I just feel like if you grow your family you grow your love...therefore with the addition of a new baby there is the addition of EVEN MORE love to go around. I don't know, maybe that is stupid but that's how I feel.
I truly think that Jack will be an awesome great big brother. He is just old enough now that he does things on his own. He LOVES to go to school and play with other kids. I think that he will appreciate the new baby, but still feel loved by us. I hope that is the case at least. Hopefully we can start potty training sometime soon. It would be AWESOME to only have 1 kid in diapers at a time!!!!
That's all I have for now. :) Will post more later! PS-these pictures are from about a month ago so the baby is now much bigger. According to my little week-by-week book the baby should now weigh about a pound. So I guess technically that means I have only gained 11 pounds? Is that how that works? Haha! :)